"Cosmic Rays in the Heliospheric Plasma Environment

Cosmic Rays and the Heliospheric Plasma Environment

12 - 16 September 2011, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

The heliophysical research has reached a state, where further progress regarding a number of problems requires interdisciplinary cooperations within heliophysics as well as with related fields like astro- and geophysics. Many of these problems are related to one of the central topics of contemporary heliophysical research: the transport of energetic particles in the dynamical heliospheric plasma environment. This topic is important because it allows to explore physical processes that are fundamental for astrophysical as well as laboratory plasmas.

The workshop covered many aspects regarding the sources of cosmic rays and other energetic particles, their transport into and within the dynamical heliospheric environment, and their long-term flux variations. This is manifest by the five major workshop topics, namely `Origins and propagation',`Measurements', `(M)HD Modelling', `Transport', and `Fundamental Processes'. The expertise of the invited international scientists ranged from theory and numerical modelling to `remote' observations and in situ measurements and was required to relate the scientific results of different groups to each other.

Below is displayed the result of an opinion poll regarding the heliocentric distance of the heliopause in the nose direction:



TP IV RUB AEF DFG Resarch Department Resarch Unit 1048